I love this town.

I came here to attend The Universtiy of Texas, and have more or less been here ever since.  After living here for almost 20 years, I can talk incessantly about the best tacos in town, what plants can handle our summer heat, and how to jump into (or steer clear of!) the madness/awesomeness of SXSW.  I'm convinced that we have something, and more importantly somehwere, for everyone. 

I love yoga.  I'm addicted to plants and gardening.  Travel makes me come alive.

Prior to real estate I was a high school teacher, and I have a special place in my heart for folks in education. 

There's an African Proverb that says, "A small house will hold a hundred friends."  My first house was barely 1000 sq ft, and remains the site of some of my happiest memories.  I'm still fascinated by small, well-utilized spaces.

Eric Handler says, "Success in real estate is about location, location, location.  Success in life is about kindness, kindness, kindness."  YES.  THAT.

Now let's get back to you, shall we?